From the course: Small Business Secrets

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Making a smooth transition

Making a smooth transition

- When it comes time to replace an employee, whether it's because you need to fire them or because they have circumstances that are causing them to move on, we want to be prepared. We want to make sure that the transition between one employee to another is as smooth as possible. I'll be discussing three different phases of employee transition: Preparation, firing and hand-off. Before we go into those, though, it's essential that you know the law. If you're in the United States, most states are At Will employers, meaning you have the legal right to terminate the contract of any employee for any reason. Other countries typically require you to demonstrate good cause before releasing an employee. If you're in an At Will area, avoid creating contracts that restrict that legal right. Now, let's talk about three components of preparation. Number one is begin systems documentation. Make sure that you've been documenting systems for that position long before you need to replace someone. This…
