From the course: Sketch Essential Training: The Basics
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Customizing your toolbar - Sketch Tutorial
From the course: Sketch Essential Training: The Basics
Customizing your toolbar
- [Instructor] We're going to be customizing our toolbar. At the end of this video, you'll be able to create a toolbar that suits the way that you work. Why would you want to do this? Some tools are frequently used but have complicated shortcuts or you just don't remember what the shortcuts are even though they're easy. To start, I don't even have my toolbar visible, so why don't we show that? We go to view and then show toolbar. Now that the toolbar is visible, I have access to some tools that I'd like to use, but there are also a few that are missing. So I'm going to go to view again and customize my toolbar. We have access to all of the tools that you need for the toolbar. If you wanted to reset to the basic default set, you can just drag that in. It doesn't change mine because that's what it was before. Now I can add other elements that I want. So I want show layout, I want my mask, and I want the scissors as…
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