From the course: Singing Lessons: 1 Fundamentals
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Piano 101: Part 2
From the course: Singing Lessons: 1 Fundamentals
Piano 101: Part 2
- A major scale is always composed of a pattern of whole steps and half steps in this order. A whole step, another whole step, a half step, a whole step, a whole step, a whole step, and another half step. That's the pattern of every major scale. You can build a major scale on any note. Anywhere. No matter which octave, no matter what frequency, where it lies on the keyboard, you can build any major scale with that pattern. Whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half. Here again, a C major scale on middle C. Whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half. That is a C Major scale. So, We can build, just like they did in the Axis of Awesome, we can build four chords in the key of C, which is all the notes in the C major scale. We can build our own, four chord progression, in the key of C. Using the notes that we just played in that scale. Here's a demonstration of the Axis of Awesome four chords built in the key of C. First, there's a C chord. Then, there's a G chord. Then, what we call…
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