From the course: Singing Lessons: 1 Fundamentals
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Mind: The thinking singer
From the course: Singing Lessons: 1 Fundamentals
Mind: The thinking singer
- This segment of level one I call mind, or the thinking singer. So we're talking about this whole musician approach, mind, body, spirit. We talked about keeping our bodies healthy and our instruments health physiologically. Now we're going to get into the mental process, the intellectual process and how that plays into being an excellent vocalist. I personally have experienced what I call chick singer syndrome, or for guys I think it's called the prima donna syndrome, which is that little bit of stereotype or discrimination or prejudice that gets in play when singers are perceived to be less than a musician because they're just singers. You know that's the stereotype of the rock singer guy that shows up at rehearsal and he doesn't really care anything about what the rest of the players are doing, he just wants to be the star and sing. Or the girl who shows up and it's all about the gown and the look and again she doesn't care about the players or the music being made, it's just all…
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Mind: The thinking singer3m 37s
Speaking the language of music: Vocabulary, part 16m 29s
Speaking the language of music: Vocabulary, part 29m 13s
Speaking the language of music: Vocabulary, part 37m 59s
Speaking the language of music: Vocabulary, part 44m 19s