From the course: Side Hustle Strategies for Data Science and Analytics Experts

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The pros and cons of trying to write your own training materials

The pros and cons of trying to write your own training materials

From the course: Side Hustle Strategies for Data Science and Analytics Experts

The pros and cons of trying to write your own training materials

- Okay, you're just starting out as a trainer, and you're asked if you have your own IP. Or maybe they ask you if you want to retain your IP. What are they talking about? Well, it's intellectual property. And it's a big factor in signing a contract to become a trainer. When you're new at this, the easiest training job is when they have existing materials for a subject that you know and enjoy, and you just teach out of their book. I did this kind of training for years. Looking back, I don't know how I would have juggled all the other things about a new role: like learning how to train effectively; learning new techniques; mastering software tips and tricks, if I also had to write the book. Now that I'm more experienced, I almost always teach my own materials. And you guessed it. If it's your material, and all that work writing is worth something, your compensation should be higher if you're providing IP. So what do…
