From the course: Semantic Kernel in Action: Fundamentals
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Introduction to planners
From the course: Semantic Kernel in Action: Fundamentals
Introduction to planners
- [Instructor] If Semantic Kernel is a theater, and the plugins are instruments, the Planner is what brings the magic here. Think of a magic book that magically generates the music score that the instruments play. That's the essence of the planners in the world of AI. Today, we are diving into understanding what planners are and what types of planners do we have. First, it's important to know before we dive in that planners are in preview. That means they will have or may have minor breaking changes, if any. In the realm of AI, a planner is responsible of generating the plan that the plugins will follow to achieve a task. Kind of like a composer's score is guiding each task to its perfect execution. That's basically it. It's a artifact that can also generate a plan blueprint that is able to achieve a certain type of task with some flexibility. A plan organizes and coordinates complex AI task within the Semantic Kernel, ensuring every component works coordinated and in unison. Recent…
Introduction to planners3m 33s
Implementing function calling2m 8s
Practice: Implementing function calling10m 50s
Implementing Handlebars planners2m 22s
Practice: Implementing Handlebars planners12m 29s
Implementing Stepwise planners2m 6s
Practice: Implementing Stepwise planners10m 16s