From the course: Satellite Internet and Communications: Fundamentals

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LEO satellite system characteristics

LEO satellite system characteristics

- [Instructor] LEO satellite systems have provided essential communications services, such as voice communication service, from the Iridium LEO satellites started operation in 1998. LEO satellite systems orbit at a lower altitude and higher speed than MEO and GEO. Due to the constant motion of satellite, one LEO satellite can only cover a region of the Earth in 30 minutes or less. The coverage area of the region is dependent on different factors, such as inclination, altitude, elevation, and the radio link parameters. For example, we can estimate a radius of 580 kilometers for a LEO satellite coverage at an altitude of 550 kilometers with an elevation of 40 degrees. To cover a large area on Earth, LEO satellites usually operate in a large constellation with hundreds or thousands of satellites, called mega-constellation. The large constellation may pose concerns for space debris. Some LEO satellites have considered using…
