From the course: Sales Strategies for an Economic Downturn

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Creating a referral process to fill the pipeline

Creating a referral process to fill the pipeline

From the course: Sales Strategies for an Economic Downturn

Creating a referral process to fill the pipeline

- There's a universal truth in sales. Cold calling or cold emailing doesn't yield a lot of revenue. Most people don't even answer their office phone anymore. An email is typically a black hole. There's no better source of leads in revenues than referrals that come from a company's existing clients. Referrals are already qualified and inclined to trust your credibility, so why not start by reaching out to your current customers? Call them specifically to ask for referrals in the same way you would call to develop a new opportunity. Here's a five step approach you can adapt with your customers to get them to refer new potential clients. First, identify those customers who are most likely to provide you with high quality referrals. Not all your customers are equal. Be sure to identify those customers who are most likely to provide you with referrals who match your ideal client profile, and are in a position to buy from you.…
