From the course: Revit: AR and VR Workflows

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Creating a new Revit material

Creating a new Revit material - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit: AR and VR Workflows

Creating a new Revit material

- [Instructor] In order to start understanding the materiality of this space, let's take a look at creating a new material. We have this throw rug in the middle of our lobby, so let's make a new carpet material for it. Go back to Revit, and under the manage tab, open up materials. Down here at the bottom, we will create new material, and we see up here it says default new material, so right click it and rename Lobby Carpet. Now, when this new material is created, it also creates with it, the new appearance asset. In this case, I think I'd like to pick an appearance asset from the Autodesk library as a starting point. Let's open up the asset library, and then go to appearance library, and under flooring, we can find carpet. One amusing and existing asset as a starting point, I like to favor a more white leaning material so that I can play with it and add color as I need to. Down here towards the bottom, we have a Saxony Herringbone, which I think will be a good starting place for us…
