From the course: Revit 2019: Essential Training for MEP (Imperial)

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- [Instructor] We might as well take this past the go line. The next logical step is to get a schedule pumped out. The objective of this video is to create a scheduled list of fabrication parts, documented with an image of each part we're scheduling. Then, of course, we'll have to create a sheet. So, let's jump into Revit. Under Projects, let's go Open. Browse through where you're keeping your exercise files, and I'm going to grab my scheduling model. Let's click Open. Now, let's go to the view tab. Let's click the schedule's drop down, and we'll go Schedule Quantities. We're going to scroll down until we find MEP Fabrication Ductwork, then we click okay. I'm going to grab the count, we're going to add that. We're going to grab family and add that. And, I'd like to have length, add that. One more item, click image, and add that. Now for image, I want that up top, so we're going to click the up button. I'm going to grab count, and I'm going to go down to the bottom for count. Let's…
