From the course: Revit 2019: Essential Training for MEP (Imperial)
Exercise files - Revit MEP Tutorial
From the course: Revit 2019: Essential Training for MEP (Imperial)
Exercise files
- [Instructor] Well another year and another user interface update. This one's pretty awesome though. In this video I'd like to take a look at what has changed only in the user interface. Of course throughout the rest of the course, I'll make sure you know when we hit a topic that's been enhanced in terms of functionality. Let's open Revit 2019. The first thing I'm going to look at is project, open. Browse somewhere to where you're keeping Revit Models. And if I select this model, notice that it gives you the year. Go to that model 'cause of the year. Then when you get to an old one, you know to back off of it. I think that's pretty cool. I'm just going to open any model. The first thing that catches my eye, is this, tabs. If I go to level one structure plan, level two, notice that we have tabs now. Which is pretty awesome. You can just drag one over if you want. Or what's really cool if I drag this over to the end and down, I can drag this to another monitor. That's a huge enhancement. Of course we can go full screen right with this view which is kind of neat too. I'll be doing that a lot through this course. I'm going to close out of here. Also with this comes an enhancement to the view tab. Notice now we have tab views, and tile views. If we go to tile views, it's kind of the same thing where you still have the tab. And of course you can always switch 'em over, or drag it on to another screen if you want. Again, pretty cool. You can maximize it, or it can restore down. Now if I wanted this planted back, all I have to do is hover over the tabs, and it goes back in. Next thing I want to show you is enhancement to the fill patterns. So I'm going to come down here and just draw a round wall. Let's go to structure, wall, let's click on this circle button, I'm just going to draw a wall like this. Hit escape a few times, select your wall, click edit type. Now for structure click edit, for the material click into by category, click the browser button, and down here I'm going to make a new material. I'm going to right click and rename it. I'll just call it Funny Concrete. Now in Funny Concrete, for my surface pattern, my foreground, I want to make diagonal crosshatch. The background, I want to make concrete. Hit apply, hit okay, hit okay. Hit okay one more time. Now let's go to our south elevation. I'm going to zoom in on my Funny Concrete wall. Check that out. Now that we're looking at the wall, it's always been impossible to dimension a round wall. Well, not anymore. Click your aligned dimension button. Look at what's going on here. That's a huge enhancement. It's been a long time coming. Let's go to a 3D view. One thing we can do here, I'm not sure if I like or not. Scroll down the properties, until we find projection mode. Instead of orthographic, switch it to perspective. Now it can be in perspective view. It's kind of neat. I'm going to change it back 'cause it's bothering me. Orthographic, click apply and now we're in. One more thing I want to show you. Remember when we used to have to right click and rename? Well now you can just click it again, and you can rename it that way. Seems like a small enhancement but I like it a lot. So yeah, I think we'll be saying 2019 was a good year for the user interface.
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