From the course: Requirements Elicitation for Business Analysis: Stakeholder Conversations
Challenge 3: Choose probing questions
From the course: Requirements Elicitation for Business Analysis: Stakeholder Conversations
Challenge 3: Choose probing questions
(upbeat music) - I know it's really tempting to ask detailed questions to stakeholders or simply just ask the stakeholder, "What are your requirements?" But fair warning, this will not get you the results you and the team are looking for. Getting the context and big picture is critical to ensuring we get the right details. Details without the big picture are often the wrong details and the incorrect focus. This next challenge sets up the context so you can effectively choose which detailed questions to ask. The detailed questions you ask will probe deeper and get your stakeholders thinking about their true needs, not just what they think they want, and that's what this challenge is all about. For the scenario, I will present a situation and the context at a high level. Your task is to select the questions to get at the details, the ones that probe deeper. Here's the scenario. You've been asked to work on a new project for the customer service operations team. This team would like to automate some of their work with the use of generative AI, and need your help in identifying the possible automations and what possible solutions there are. You've already met with the operations manager and you've understood her pain points and the goals of the automation efforts. When you ask the operations manager, "Tell me more about what metrics your operations are measured by and what measurements we want to improve?" You've also asked her, "Tell me more about your vision with generative AI?" The operations manager answered, "We are measured by our ability to continue to lessen the cost and time to answer each inquiry, and I feel like AI might be able to help us answer critical customer inquiries faster and resolve them on the first instance." So your next task is to figure out what probing questions would you ask next? In the next video, I'll show you the probing questions that I would ask.
Examine an example requirements conversation5m 34s
Build rapport with stakeholders3m 30s
Learn to lay out expectations2m 7s
Ask probing questions3m 16s
Ask "why" during the requirements elicitation2m 7s
Challenge 1: Plan requirements elicitation interviews3m 16s
Solution 1: Plan requirements elicitation interviews3m 59s
Challenge 2: Identify what went wrong2m 11s
Solution 2: Identify what went wrong2m 55s
Challenge 3: Choose probing questions2m 16s
Solution 3: Choose probing questions2m 45s
Implement active listening skills4m 4s
Take notes during a requirements elicitation conversation3m 12s
Ending the conversation2m 22s