From the course: Relational Databases Essential Training
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Write database select queries
From the course: Relational Databases Essential Training
Write database select queries
- [Instructor] The primary method of returning information from a relational database is with a sequel select statement. The select statement is extremely flexible, and it'll allow you to ask questions about the data, and the DBMS will return answers in the form of a data table. In order to take a look at writing select statements, we need to have some data saved into the tables. On the screen, I have a script that I've written out that'll populate a few records into each of the two data tables that we've been working with. You can find a copy of this script in the course exercise files. Then you'll just copy the text out of that, come over here and right-click on the Kineteco database and say new query, and then paste the text in. At the top, this script is first going to delete any records that might be in the products or the suppliers table, just to give us a fresh start. Then it'll insert three records into the…
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Convert the ER diagram to a database7m
Data definition queries6m 22s
Solution: Create tables with DDL commands6m 2s
Data manipulation queries4m 52s
Solution: Add data with DML commands5m 30s
Write database select queries5m 38s
Solution: Query data in a database4m 26s
Create a database view2m 44s