From the course: Relational Databases Essential Training
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Object naming considerations
From the course: Relational Databases Essential Training
Object naming considerations
- [Instructor] I touched on naming consideration briefly when I warned about including spaces in your column names earlier on in the course. But the topic really does warrant a fuller discussion. Back in the early days of relational data base development, computer systems had very strict requirements for how objects can be named. You were limited on the number of characters you could use, and support for special characters was non existent. Today, systems have much more relaxed requirements, which gives you a lot more freedom in naming tables and columns whatever you want, within reason. But that doesn't mean that you can treat it like the wild west when it comes to building an organizational scheme for your precious data. So here are some suggestions that you should think about when naming tables and columns. First, consider Capitalization. Most relational data base management systems are case insensitive…
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