From the course: Relational Databases Essential Training
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Data manipulation queries
From the course: Relational Databases Essential Training
Data manipulation queries
- [Instructor] The sequel commands that are used to modify data fall under the category called data manipulation language commands, or DML. These commands affect the information stored in the database tables. Let's take a look by creating a new query for the Kineteco database by right clicking on the database over here on the left in the connections window, and choosing new query. Now what I want to do is add in some records into the suppliers table. If you need to review the columns that are in the suppliers table, you can expand the folder there and then expand the columns. And here we'll see that we have to supply values for the column for supplier ID, supplier name, phone number, street address, city, state and zip. To do that we'll use the command insert into. Then, we'll specify that we want to insert records into the suppliers table. I'll come down to the next line and I'll type in the keyword values, and open…
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Convert the ER diagram to a database7m
Data definition queries6m 22s
Solution: Create tables with DDL commands6m 2s
Data manipulation queries4m 52s
Solution: Add data with DML commands5m 30s
Write database select queries5m 38s
Solution: Query data in a database4m 26s
Create a database view2m 44s