From the course: Relational Databases Essential Training
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Data definition queries
From the course: Relational Databases Essential Training
Data definition queries
- [Instructor] Relational databases used structured query language or SQL in order to perform tasks on the data base. These tasks include everything from creating tables and relationships, adding record to the tables, querying the database for information, and running maintenance tasks like backups and index repairs. Every relational database platform uses the SQL language, but there could be slight variations from platform to platform on the exact syntax that they use. For instance, one platform might use double quotation marks where another uses square brackets, or a function might have a slightly different name. I'm working with Microsoft Sequel Server database management system, so the commands that I show you here might not translate perfectly if you try and implement them word for word on Postgress, or MySQL, or Auricle, but the concepts will be exactly the same, and that's really what I want to get across in…
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Convert the ER diagram to a database7m
Data definition queries6m 22s
Solution: Create tables with DDL commands6m 2s
Data manipulation queries4m 52s
Solution: Add data with DML commands5m 30s
Write database select queries5m 38s
Solution: Query data in a database4m 26s
Create a database view2m 44s