From the course: Relational Databases Essential Training
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Convert the ER diagram to a database
From the course: Relational Databases Essential Training
Convert the ER diagram to a database
- [Instructor] The online tools we've been using throughout this course such as the Quick Database Diagram's web app here or the SQL Fiddle app for experimenting with code can be fantastic little tools for quickly testing out design solutions and playing around with relational database concepts. But at some point, you really need to dive right into a full-feature relational database management system. That's what we're going to do in this chapter. As I outlined at the beginning of the course, you have an extensive number of platforms to choose from for running your databases. Everything from Microsoft Access and FileMaker on your desktop computer to Enterprise-grade SQL Server and Oracle deployments are all grounded in the relational concepts that we've been exploring. Some of those solutions do require licensing fees, complex installation procedures, or expensive hardware requirements, though. So to keep everyone on…
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Convert the ER diagram to a database7m
Data definition queries6m 22s
Solution: Create tables with DDL commands6m 2s
Data manipulation queries4m 52s
Solution: Add data with DML commands5m 30s
Write database select queries5m 38s
Solution: Query data in a database4m 26s
Create a database view2m 44s