From the course: React Native Essential Training

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Using TestFlight with internal testers

Using TestFlight with internal testers - React Native Tutorial

From the course: React Native Essential Training

Using TestFlight with internal testers

- [Narrator] So to put up an app on the test flight, you need an Apple Developer account. And this does cost money. Once you have the Developer account approved, you will see this screen where you can control the membership certificate, iTunes Connect and other stuff in here. To put an app on testflight, we need to register a bundle identifier. Now we can do this either through the web developer console here, or through Xcode. So I'm going to do it through Xcode. I'll go ahead and open iOS/Bakesale.Xcodeproject. And if you go to the main screen, you'll see the General tab here. And what we're trying to register, is this identifier. And it's by default generated like that, you don't have to use the exact same thing. Usually, it's the domain in reverse. So I'm going to actually do that, I'm going to go with comm.bakesaleforgood.bakesale. So this is now my bundle identifier, and I can go to the console and register it.…
