From the course: React Native Essential Training

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The Animated and Easing APIs

The Animated and Easing APIs

- Let's first understand how to do simple animations without any gestures. Animations give some nice visual polish for your app. It's not a required thing, but it does make the app feel truly Native. Let's think about a simple thing that we can animate in our app. There're many things that could use some animation. For example, we do the transitions between screens without any animations so far. Usually, Native apps use animated transitions. That's one thing we can do here. But I'll go with the simpler example and animate the initial Bakesale header word that we displayed while waiting on the initial deals to arrive from the server. Let me actually comment out the Ajax call right here, refresh, so this is the initial view, so maybe the server gets loaded and that Ajax call to fetch the initial fields takes a few seconds. It would be cool to show some kind of animation on the screen here. Let's just bounce the Bakesale…
