From the course: QuickBooks Online Essential Training
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Creating vendor bills
From the course: QuickBooks Online Essential Training
Creating vendor bills
- [Instructor] Let's talk about creating bills. A bill is an invoice you receive from a vendor to generate a bill in order to recognize an expenditure that you're actually going to pay in the future. To create a bill we're going to click on the New button, and then under vendors we're going to see Expense, Check and Bill. Keep in mind that if you're going to generate an expense that you're paying immediately that's what you would use expense and check. We covered expense and checks in a different chapter. When we generate a bill, we have to make sure that we complete the process either by paying the bill or generating a vendor credit to lower the balance of that bill. We're going to cover that briefly. Let's start by creating a bill. We're going to click on Bill and it's going to open the bill screen. The bill screen will look very similar to the invoice screen. Just keep in mind that you're dealing with vendors when…
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Managing receivables and payables overview34s
Create estimates8m 50s
Create invoices7m 46s
Receive customer payments5m 23s
Create a deposit from undeposited funds2m 33s
Create a credit memo6m 44s
Create a customer statement4m 30s
Creating vendor bills6m 41s
Paying open bills with a check, credit card, or bank debit4m 34s
Adjusting vendor balances via vendor credit6m 6s