From the course: Python Data Structures: Sets and Frozen Sets
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Solution: Invoice value computation - Python Tutorial
From the course: Python Data Structures: Sets and Frozen Sets
Solution: Invoice value computation
- [Instructor] You are given with the data set just above the function definition. The data set contains details about orders, customers, products_details, and you are given with the function compute_invoice_value, which accepts customer_id and order_id as parameter. Initialize variable key with the frozenset as customer_orders dictionary, contains frozenset as the key. Initialize a variable total_bill_value = 0. Check if the key exists. Key is the customer_id and order_id pair. Check if the key exists in customer_orders dictionary. Key is the customer_id, order_id pair. If key exists in customer_orders dictionary, fetch the product_details list. Product_details list is a list of dictionary. I trade over tmp_products. Purchased_products will give dictionary that is present inside tmp_products. And in purchased_products, there is product_id, so we'll fetch product_id from purchased_products dictionary. Fetch discount value, Fetch price. Next, fetch the quantity of the product…
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