From the course: Python Data Structures: Sets and Frozen Sets
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Remove an element from a set using discard() - Python Tutorial
From the course: Python Data Structures: Sets and Frozen Sets
Remove an element from a set using discard()
- [Instructor] Another way to remove an element from a set is by using discard method. On line 10, we have a set named as country and countries present in set are USA, Canada, UK, Australia. Now how would you remove Australia from it? Let us try removing Australia from our set. So before we remove Australia, let us write here Value set before discarding Australia. And here we can write countries. countries is our set. countries.discard. Discard is a built-in method present in set class, and inside the parenthesis you can pass the element that you want to remove. So we are trying to remove Australia. You can just pass in "Australia". And here let us, again, print("Value of set after using discard method ", countries) We have already written the function so we can remove line 5. Let us run the program and see what is the output. python our file name, python3 is our file name. Let us run the program. So, Value of set before discarding Australia, before that, the value is…
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Add an element to a set3m 39s
Add multiple elements with the update() method2m 38s
Remove an element from a set6m 57s
Remove an element from a set using discard()3m 15s
Using pop() to remove and return an element from a set3m 9s
Clearing all elements from a set42s
Solution: Filter by the first character1m 34s