From the course: Protecting Yourself as a Content Creator

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Take steps to protect your trademark rights online

Take steps to protect your trademark rights online

From the course: Protecting Yourself as a Content Creator

Take steps to protect your trademark rights online

- Have you ever found yourself saying, "Nobody really knows who I am." "I'll worry about trademarks after my brand grows." Or, "Trademarks are expensive, "so I'll wait until I make more money "to talk to a lawyer "or whoever I need to talk to." Or, "I don't understand trademarks. "I'll deal with it later after my nap." If any of this sounds familiar, I'm here to save you and your trademarks. You have a few options to protect your trademarks. You don't have to wait for a hundred thousand followers, or more money or a miracle. There's protection across a spectrum. You can start just by selling your products, using your new brand name. This is enough to get something called Common Law Trademark Protection, and it's free. What's typically best though, is filing a trademark application. This isn't free, but it doesn't have to break the bank either. With common law trademarks, you get trademark protection…
