From the course: Protecting Yourself as a Content Creator
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How trade secret law applies to your business strategies
From the course: Protecting Yourself as a Content Creator
How trade secret law applies to your business strategies
- There are more than 50 million content creators in the world. This is more than the number of doctors, lawyers, or engineers on the planet. This has become a full fledged career path with tons of opportunities to make money. As a content creator, your bread and butter revolves around building relationships with your audience, through your email list, your text list, your social media following, and then selling products and services to those groups of people. These marketing strategies that you're using could fall within a type of IP called Trade Secrets, if you take a few simple steps. Don't overlook trade secrets as your brand grows. Trade seekers are like the silent assassin of IP. And a trade secret really is any type of valuable information that gives your business a competitive advantage. In most states, just about anything with competitive value can be protected as a trade secret. Things like marketing plans and…