From the course: Protecting Yourself as a Content Creator

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How copyright law applies to your content

How copyright law applies to your content

From the course: Protecting Yourself as a Content Creator

How copyright law applies to your content

- If you've ever posted anything online, you've been impacted by copyright law. In fact, I'll even go as far to say if you've ever created anything, you may be a copyright owner and not even know it. Yep. If you've posted more than four words, shared photos or videos, made any drawings, recorded any music, basically any artistic work or design, you probably already own a copyright. Most creators post first and worry about the legal stuff later, but one of the best things you can do right now is create a copyright strategy. If you don't have one, you can leave your copyright ownership on the table for anybody to take without getting your permission, giving you credit, or paying you. Now, let me say, I know this feels a little weird sometimes to think about money, but you can consider the legal stuff and decide to opt out completely and not enforce your rights. But my goal here is just to help you make an informed…
