From the course: Promoting Internal Mobility as a Manager

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Rerecruit your people continuously

Rerecruit your people continuously

- Think about the last time you recruited a new prospect to your organization. How did you act? You probably showcased your best managerial side, interested, attentive, empathetic. You probably highlighted the benefits of the job and the overall mission of the company and listened to what they wanted and painted the picture of how they could achieve that in this job. I bet you returned their calls and emails promptly. But it's funny, once an employee's on your team, it's natural to take them for granted. I'll tell you what happened to one of my clients recently. Maria is the vice president of marketing for a pretty well-known bank. We started working together because she suddenly had a number of employees on her team resign, and she wanted to see what she might need to improve in her management style. I talked to her employees who were leaving and some who were staying, and they all said the same thing. Maria is smart…
