From the course: Promoting Internal Mobility as a Manager

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Build talent networks all around you

Build talent networks all around you

- One of my clients, Jonathan, told me how he views his job as a manager. "I see myself as a steward of my employee's careers," he told me, "and when they go on to get better jobs, "I take it as a personal victory." Jonathan is known as a manager who helps careers flourish. He also gave me a counterintuitive take on talent mobility. He told me that he likes it when people leave his group because it opens up opportunities for existing employees to get promoted or he can bring in new people who have a new take and fresh energy. Now Jonathan can afford to feel that way since he doesn't have any trouble backfilling roles. When he has an opening in his group, he makes a few calls and very quickly has a number of candidates for the job. These days, a core skill of managers is to be able to recruit and hire new people, so that requires having a pipeline mindset. So you, like Jonathan, should focus on building talent networks all…
