From the course: Project Management Foundations: Small Projects

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Put the project tasks in sequence

Put the project tasks in sequence

- [Instructor] The project schedule is a big part of your project plan. You put the tasks in the order that work has to be done, add in your time estimates, and you can figure out when tasks should occur and how long the project should take. Some tasks have to be done before others can start. For example, you'd better build the first floor of a building before you start the second floor. In project management terms, the order is called a task dependency or task link. For example, a finish to start link is when one task has to finish before the next one can start. We're going to use a simplified task list for the new office project to put tasks in order. The formal name for this diagram is a network diagram. With small projects, you and your team can build it by sticking sticky notes to a whiteboard. We're going to start at the beginning of the project. Ask yourself what comes first. For the sample project, that's find new…
