From the course: Product Management: Customer Development

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How to create a screener

How to create a screener

- When it's time to begin your primary research by talking to people about your idea, you don't want to talk to just anyone. You need them to match your target users or potential customers. So how do you make sure that you're getting feedback from the right people? This is where a screener comes in. A screener tells you whether or not someone would be a good candidate for user feedback. While it's nice to get feedback from your mom and your friends, it's not necessarily effective if your product isn't meant for them. You'll get better feedback and waste less time if you're talking to a varied targeted group of people. So let's build a screener together. You can check out the worksheet in the Exercise Files to follow along and then begin filling in your own ideas. Let's start by creating a list of the characteristics of people you want to talk to. It could be a job title, a behavior, the type of product they use, and more. For my example, I'll talk about the software we created for…
