From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

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The benefits and of drawbacks of video podcasting

The benefits and of drawbacks of video podcasting

From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

The benefits and of drawbacks of video podcasting

- In many ways, the drawbacks and benefits for video podcasts are almost the mirrored opposite of audio podcasts. Now, generally speaking, video podcasts can be more immersive. Now, if it's just two people having a talking head conversation, there's not a big difference between the audio and video version, but it might be a little more engaging to see people's reactions or facial features as they're reacting to each other's conversation. You also get additional distribution outlets. There's a lot of video streaming platforms. Popular ones like YouTube and Facebook, but most social networks, and even other apps these days, have a lot of video streaming built in. It's also much easier to brand things. You can have a whole graphics package with a color palette. Sets, transition graphics, show introductions, music stingers, and things that really emphasize your brand. Video podcasts also tend to have a higher…
