From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

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Podcast interview techniques

Podcast interview techniques

- For many podcasters having strong interview skills is really important. Now that's not to say that you're not going to just host a podcast all by yourself but it's often easier to keep new content flowing when you have changing guests on a program. So I like to say there's a few steps that are quite essential. One of those is before you do the show or interview the person have a small chat. Don't map out exactly everything that you're going to cover but take a moment to measure the person. Do they have a sense of humor? Are they very serious? What is your impression of them so that you can match your style to them? If the person is more intellectual, that's great. Maybe they'll like to joke more. See if you can adapt a little bit so that they feel comfortable and you bring out the best character. Also ask them if they have anything on their mind. Are there any concerns? They might be nervous about something or…
