From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

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Creating video podcast files

Creating video podcast files

- Let's take a look at a tool called compressor to create video files. Now, the general functionality that you already learned about inside of Adobe Media Encoder is going to be recreated here. It's just a slightly different visual interface, same logic applies. You can export directly or drop in a high quality file. This loads it up. If you need to, you can adjust the ins and outs of a clip. So if you realize there's parts that you don't want, you could trim it. Not full edits, but losing a little bit from the beginning and the end. In the left here you'll see different options that you could target. Notice besides video streaming they do have a dedicated podcasting category and these are the settings that are recommended by apple. And since apple is the number one platform for distributing podcasts they're pretty good specs to follow. What you can do here is drag these in. So you'll see that we can create the H.264…
