From the course: Producing Podcasts

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Launching your podcast

Launching your podcast - Audacity Tutorial

From the course: Producing Podcasts

Launching your podcast

- [Narrator] A common problem among podcasters is that they get so excited about the show they want to create or have just created that, after spending a lot of time and money to create an interesting show and get the best equipment to record it, they just throw it out into the world and hope it sticks. I'm sorry to say that podcasts just do not go viral. They are a long-term content marketing investment that will create an engaged audience if you consistently publish episodes for at least six months. But that's no reason to start with zero audience. So let's dive into what you need to do to create an audience before you launch your podcast and continue to grow its audience. For the purposes of this course, we are going to focus on the two best ways to build an audience before launch. First, I want you to try to build a launch team. The launch team members will share your podcast with their email lists and social networks and…
