From the course: Prioritizing Effectively as a Leader

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Understand what your company's priorities are

Understand what your company's priorities are

From the course: Prioritizing Effectively as a Leader

Understand what your company's priorities are

- The first step in priority-setting is understanding what your company's priorities are. The question is, how do you actually do that? Step one is perhaps the most obvious. Ask! Specifically, ask your boss to go into detail not just about what they expect your team's output to be, but also why. What are the goals they're trying to reach, and how those goals tie into the broader corporate strategy? Sometimes people hesitate to ask questions like that because they worry they'll seem uninformed if they don't already know. But the truth is, very few people in the corporate world actually care about strategy, or even think about strategy. The fact that you're asking about it and are taking an interest shows that you're different. It sets you apart in a positive way. The ability to think strategically is highly valued in leaders, and generally is what distinguishes people as leadership material from those who aren't, so asking those questions, rather than making you look like a remedial…
