From the course: Prioritizing Effectively as a Leader
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Help your employees set their priorities
From the course: Prioritizing Effectively as a Leader
Help your employees set their priorities
- One of the secrets of good management is thinking of yourself more as a coach rather than as a boss, in the sense of bossing people around and telling them exactly what to do. When you're a coach, you're helping to cultivate your employees' potential and teach them ways to enhance their skills. It's not just about getting them to perform a task today, it's about enabling them to do it better tomorrow. And to learn how to keep improving. And that's very much the case for priority setting. If you can help your team get better at setting priorities, it's a skill that will pay off forever. Because all of us are constantly juggling priorities. And having to make determinations about what's the best use of our time. That's why it's really a dereliction of duty to just tell your employees, do this and do that. Instead, you need to teach them how to think about what's important and what's not. The first step is to explain the company's perspective. And give you employees the business…
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