From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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- So for combination questions, unlike permutation questions the order of things does not matter. In this video, we'll look at a combination question, talk about how to solve them, and talk about how to tell them apart from permutation questions. So let's start with the key words to look for. In a question to signify that you might be dealing with a combination. You might see the key words, "groups," or "sets," So it might ask you, "how many groups of three can we make of a group of eight?" Or, "How many different sets of five can we make from a set of eight things?" When we're talking about a group or set, we typically don't care about the way it's ordered unless we specifically hear "arrangements," or "ways." So let's just pretend, let's say we have a baseball team. Baseball team puts nine players on the field at a time, if you didn't know that, and let's say the team decides to go to a square dance together. Right, so how many groups of two can we make from the nine players so we…
