From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Audio Workflow and the Essential Sound Panel
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Reduce noise, rumble, and hum - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Audio Workflow and the Essential Sound Panel
Reduce noise, rumble, and hum
- Repairing audio is an important part of our workflow. Sometimes we cannot help it audio gets recorded with blemishes. Whether it's a noise, rumble or hum. Premieres Essential Sound Panel can help you. Go ahead and open sequence 3.1 and in here you going to see three different audio files. The first one. - [Lady] And so I. - [Instructor] Is an interview that has noise in it. The second one. - [Lady] If you are using a three button mouse, you can. - [Instructor] Is a voice over with rumble. And finally the last one. - [Lady] Working in the 3D Unique is the ability. - [Instructor] Is a voice over that has hum in it. Let's of ahead and select all three of them and classify them as dialog. Let's select just the first one. And now we're going to repair it. So in the essential sound panel right under loudness, you are going to see the repairs section. And in here, if you click it expands. We are going to reduce the noise. To reduce the noise turn it on by clicking this checkbox and play…
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