From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Audio Workflow and the Essential Sound Panel

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Adding reverb to enhance audio

Adding reverb to enhance audio

- [Instructor] Go ahead and open Sequence 4.4 Reverb. In here, you're going to see two audio clips. The first one, - [Male Voice] Is a visit to Exit Glacier. - a voiceover. The second one, - [Woman] And uh, so-- - an interview. And let's say we have to put both of these together in the same program. Let's go ahead and select them both and classify them as dialogue. I'll make this a little bit wider so we can see it better. And now I'm going to Auto-Match their levels. So under Loudness, Auto-Match. And then go to a target loudness of minus twenty three LUFS. And let me go ahead and zoom out here. Let's just play these a little bit to confirm. - [Man] The glacier is the only section of the park accessible by road. - [Woman] And since my childhood, I start-- - And they're kind of peaking at the same level so I think we're good with the levels. Now, let's go ahead and select the first clip and under Clarity here, let's give it an EQ of Subtle Boost (Male). Obviously. And let's enhance…
