From the course: Premiere Pro for Social Media Content

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Adding closed captions with ease

Adding closed captions with ease

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to create some closed captions for our project just before export. If you were following along in the last movie, you'll know that we ducked our music track, not to mention remixed it for this video, and we made some stylistic changes to the voiceover. We cleaned it up, not to mention just change the EQ in certain frequencies to give the audio a boost. I'll just press the space bar so we can play that back. In 2022, I was granted the experience of a lifetime. And just before we put this to social, in order to allow for more views of our content, Premiere Pro makes this really easy. And one way to do this is to first of all go to your Window, Workspaces, bring up our Captions & Graphics Workspace, which we became familiar with a little bit earlier. And what we're looking for is actually the Text tab. For any reason that it's not showing, just go to Window, Workspaces and just…
