From the course: Practical Ethics for Businesses and Individuals

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Supporting choices with reasons

Supporting choices with reasons

- If you're familiar with architecture, you may know that the taller the building, the deeper the foundation has to be. For example, one World Trade Center in New York City, the tallest building in the US, has a foundation that goes 150 feet underground. This truth about tall buildings also applies to ethical decisions. If you want your decision to stand tall, it has to be built on a firm foundation. Of course, it's not a literal foundation made of concrete, but instead, a metaphorical foundation made of reasons. Reasons provide the support for decisions and the most important decisions require the deepest reasons. Try to imagine yourself in a situation in which you are pulled in two different directions. For example, imagine that your supervisor confides in you about some upcoming layoffs, but asks you to keep the confidential information under wraps. The problem is that one of your coworkers, who's about to get laid off, also happens to be a close friend. In this situation, you feel…
