From the course: PLC: Industrial Sensors
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Ultrasonic sensors - Ladder Logic Tutorial
From the course: PLC: Industrial Sensors
Ultrasonic sensors
- [Instructor] Ultrasonic sensors are one of the very common sensors used in industrial and manufacturing processes. Here are a couple of examples of ultrasonic sensors used within industry. An ultrasonic sensor operates by sending high-frequency sound waves towards a target and then measuring the time it takes for the pulses to bounce back. The time is directly proportional to the distance or the height of the object. The sensor uses the information to detect the presence of an object or to measure the distance to the object. It provides a non-contact measurement. An example here, an ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the presence of bottles on a conveyor belt. Here's another example to detect the presence and height of solid objects inside a box. Ultrasonic sensors are commonly used in level measurements. The measuring principle is the same. That the sensor emits ultrasonic pulses. The surface of the material reflects…