From the course: PHP: Object-Oriented Programming with Databases

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Project files

Project files

- [Instructor] Now that we have our database squared away, we're ready to start working with the actual PHP code that we're going to be using. And we have some initial starter project files that we'll be working with. As I said earlier, these project files are the exact same ending state from the PHP object oriented programming class. So if you finished that class and you still have those files, you can use those. If not, I've provided that same set of files in the exercise files for this course. And you can simply grab that folder and drag it into your web document route directory. I'm going to take that folder now and open it up inside my text editor so that we can look at it in project view. Let's take a look at how it's structured and review a few points. First, you'll notice that there are two main directories: private and public. And you'll remember that the fundamental idea is that when we actually launch this, on a production server, we're going to tell the web server to serve…
