From the course: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

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Using the Magic Wand tool

Using the Magic Wand tool

- [Instructor] All right, now we'll begin our look at Photoshop's automated selection tools, which all live directly below the Lasso Tool right here. And so, if you click and hold on the Object Selection Tool, you're going to see three different options. We're going to start with the last one, the one that's listed last, anyway, the Magic Wand Tool, and then we'll move on to the Quick Selection and Object Selection tools. All right, so the Magic Wand Tool is a little bit magic, frankly. All you have to do is click with the tool, and then Photoshop selects what it considers to be similar colors. What it's really doing is selecting similar luminance levels on a channel-by-channel basis, and then averaging the results, which is why it's best understood in the context of these grayscale gradients. And so, notice this tolerance value right here, 32. That's measured in luminance levels. And so, if I click in this gray area right…
