From the course: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

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Shift-clicking to heal in straight lines

Shift-clicking to heal in straight lines - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

Shift-clicking to heal in straight lines

- [Instructor] All right, so the patch tool's okay, but again, it applies static modifications, which is why I'm going to show you a better way to heal away these power lines, by painting straight lines by combining the spot healing brush with the Shift key. All right, so, I'm going to create yet another new layer by pressing Control + Shift + n or Command + Shift + n on a Mac, and I'll call this guy straight lines. And then, I'll once again zoom out by pressing Control + O or Command + 0 on a Mac, just so I have a little leeway around the canvas. And I'll go ahead and switch back to the spot healing brush. And now, I'll click up here at the top of the image, like so, and then I'll Shift click down here at the bottom of the image in order to paint a straight line. That's all it takes. And by the way, that same trick works with the brush tool. And so, if I were to grab the brush, and I'll go ahead and right-click with…
