From the course: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

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Clipping one layer inside another

Clipping one layer inside another - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

Clipping one layer inside another

- All right now I'll show you how to clip one layer inside another. Which is also known as creating a clipping mask inside Photoshop. And the idea here is, we want to take our flat, black shark and we want to give him some texture so that he looks like he's really part of the sign. All right, so I'll go ahead and switch over here and then I'll go and zoom in quite a bit on the shark actually, and I'll turn on this cliff layer, which contains all the texture we need. The problem is, it all together obliterates the shark. What we want to do is clip the cliff inside the shark. And you can do that by selecting the cliff layer. So you want to select the layer that you're clipping, not the one that's going to serve as the mask. And then click on the flyout menu icon in the top right corner of the Layers panel and choose this command right here, Create Clipping Mask. And that will go ahead and indent that layer and place it…
