From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Understanding tools for display calibration

Understanding tools for display calibration

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Understanding tools for display calibration

- [Instructor] In our workflow as photographers we take a variety of steps to help make sure that we're getting great images. We'll spend time composing our scenes, setting up our camera settings and then after the capture bringing those images into the computer and using software to optimize the appearance of the photo so that we can share it online or make a print or however else we might be sharing our images. But if our display is not giving us an accurate view of our image, all of the adjustments that you're applying are not really creating the result that you're expecting and this is a common cause of a print that doesn't match what you're seeing on your monitor's display. Now with today's modern LCD displays and even LED illuminated displays, color accuracy is actually pretty good right out of the box and color consistency is pretty good so we don't have to worry about the color changing over time. The brightness on other hand can be a significant issue. Most displays out of…
