From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Understanding how to purchase used gear

Understanding how to purchase used gear

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Understanding how to purchase used gear

- [Voiceover] This week on Photo Gear Weekly we're paying a visit to B and H Photo, and specifically the used department to check out the options when it comes to purchasing and even selling used gear. I'm here with Fred. So first of all, what can you tell me in terms of the types of products that you're offering used. Just camera bodies and lenses or is it more than that? - Oh way more than that, (laughs) way more than that. Our inventory is huge, it's a really wide range. We started out originally yes, with a 35 millimeter photography we grew into digital photography. - Right. - And now we've expanded to computers, we're huge in computers, - Oh. - laptops, TVs. I don't know if you had a chance to look around the store, we have a lot of TVs. - Right. - And yeah. I mean all of it is tested, all of it is available - Right. - either for shipping or in our store. - Okay. - And so our inventory and the variety of what we sell is not just cameras and video, but it's also electronics…
