From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Time-lapse with a smartphone

Time-lapse with a smartphone

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Time-lapse with a smartphone

- In some respects, we capture photos, of course, to tell a story, in one form or another and in many cases, you may find that video actually provides a little bit of an easier way to share a story. But the reality is, in some cases, videos can be a little bit boring because the action is happening relatively slowly and so you need a long video to share your story, essentially. But in those types of situations, or at least in many situations where the action is happening relatively slowly, you might want to take advantage of the option to capture time-lapse video on your smartphone. In the case of the iPhone, the time-lapse video is a time-lapse option among the video settings, in addition to normal video and slow-mo, and on many Android smartphones you'll find a hyperlapse option for time-lapse video. And the idea is that you can capture a video, but the video is actually being recorded at a relatively slow frame rate…
