From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Overview of lighting options available for photo

Overview of lighting options available for photo

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Overview of lighting options available for photo

- This week on Photo Gear Weekly we're once again at B&H Photo in New York City where we're going to be talking about lighting. Now when it comes to lighting, this is a very big subject in photography. If we're outdoors just shooting under daylight conditions, pretty straightforward, but as soon as you go indoors and you're using another light source, an artificial light source, things get very complicated very quickly. We're going to give you just an overview today about the different types of light sources that are available, going beyond the flash that you might mount on top of your camera, for example, to some additional light sources, so that you can work with multiple lights, etc. So we've got Gary here at B&H to help us out. So Gary, just to start off, for somebody who's just getting started working indoors, they need some artificial light to help illuminate their subject, where might they get started with just a very basic approach? - Well, we have here is what we call photo…
