From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Motion blur with an iPhone

Motion blur with an iPhone

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Motion blur with an iPhone

- One of the limitations of smartphone photography is that we don't generally have very much control over the shutter speed that we're able to use in order to capture a photo. And so, if you want to create a motion blur effect with a long exposure, that's not technically possible. Except, it actually is, because there are a variety of apps that enable you to capture essentially multiple frames and then blend them together in a way that renders the effect of motion blur. And in fact, that feature is built right in to the smartphone's camera app. It's actually part of the live photo option. Now I personally tend not to capture live photos. I usually favor either a still photo or a video, but if we switch into live photo capture option, and then capture a photo of a moving subject, we can review the photo in the photos app, swipe upward and change the effect option to long exposure and we get this magical motion blur of the…
